Friday, December 7, 2007

Apparently bigger is NOT better

Last night, we had our Ladies' Christmas Candlelight Tea at church. I volunteered to hostess a table this year. After much thought, I went with a Gingerbread Candyland theme. As a "take-home" gift, I baked and decorated individual gingerbread men for my table guests. Of course, when you are trying to make 10 "perfect" men, you are bound to have some failures in between. Thus, I had a few with misshapen body parts or missing limbs. Still, even the leftovers are fair game for my family. Ian was extremely excited to see the gingerbread men last night when he came home from school and wanted one for his dessert. Since I was at the tea last night, I did not see him before he went to bed so this morning he informed me that the next time I make gingerbread cookies, I need to make them smaller as the current cookies were just "too big" and made his tummy ache (even though the size didn't stop him from eating the whole thing).


Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Those *do* look tasty though!

scrapper al said...

Beautiful place setting and the cookie looks yummy! Personally, I prefer my cookies smaller also...something about having to go back for seconds or thirds or fourths makes me think I'm burning a couple extra calories, lol.

Donna Theriot said...

That looks so yummy! I was told to make my cookies smaller too. Apparently Eric couldn't fit them into the glass of milk.